
you may have a head start but I have a helicopter



10 Years
10-14-2014, 08:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 08:20 PM by Kaprasíus.)

Kapra's stance was nonchalant, perhaps a bit intimidating in how blatantly casual he seemed next to Katja's more rigid demeanor. A grin was offered to his cousin before a curious eye would be cast upon the strangers she had called here as well. They had both been present in the meeting, males who seemed quiet and polite, albeit a bit distant upon brief examination. He would memorize their names silently as she addressed them both evenly, betraying no hints as to why she had called them here. Perhaps this might be his first lesson in leadership? The aura, however, seemed much more personal to him -- he found himself frowning slightly as Katja began to speak.

Her words were strange to him. He felt a strange fluttering in his chest. She spoke of secrets and honesty; what could she possibly be speaking of? Surely not of the relationship he had shared with Jaeger? But no. These two had nothing to do with that, and he hadn't seen his brother for so many seasons now. After speaking for a moment she asked Orochi to share whatever he had to offer. A brow would quirk dramatically, surprising overtaking him as the boy spoke, his words hesitant and shameful.

Their father was Jaeger. These two boys were his nephews. The nervous pit in his stomach morphed, turning into giddy excitement -- it was beyond unsurprising that Jaeger had fathered a litter of sons. In fact, he'd be more surprised if he hadn't done so. Eyes widened, a comically surprised expression crossing his features. "Meine Neffen?" he spoke quickly, laughter audible in his tones, his question directed toward Katja. Quickly he fell silent though, unsure if Katja would be quite so thrilled at the news; wondering what her own reaction might be. Behind him he felt his tail twitching, flicking idly from side to side as he assessed the situation. "You are certain they are of Finnvi blood, Katja?"

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.