
The Kid I Used To Be.



10-14-2014, 08:41 PM
Tessi went unaware of the other wolf's presence for the time being. Right now she was just allowing her mind to go blank, waiting for the moment to come that she would have to move on. Light was precious. And in this season it was brief. So once the sun was about the horizon she would begin her rounds. There where a great many things she needed to do and not much time left to do them. She needed to find a den, and learn the path of prey movement. But again, the girl was a survivalist, so she was confident that she could manage. The thought of joining a pack sat in her mind, but it sat there very very sorely. A pack might come in time, maybe. Maybe if the going got too hard in winter. She would do what she had to to survive. But with being in a pack came dealing with your packmates. And that required trust. And trust was something she sorely, sorely lacked.

Finally, the sun breached the horizon, and with it, light came to the white sandy beach. This caused Tessi to stop her train of thought in a moment of pure wonderment. The speckled light shimmering in the sun all around her. It was something to behold. A site unlike many others she'd seen before. Taking a moment to look all around her and take this site in, that's when she noticed the other female in the distance, who also seemed preoccupied with the same thing as her. Raising to her feet, she pulled her body back in a stretch. Then again, forward. Finishing off with a good shake, she settled herself on her rump, two colored gaze settled on the other waiting to see what she would do.