
all your heart.



6 Years

10-15-2014, 06:36 AM

Hie elder parents' sleeping habits allowed Steel a significant amount of freedom. His siblings were rarely far off, and Sawtooth was a large pack, making it difficult to stay away from others. The young boy seemed to prefer solitude to the company of others, a quiet child who tended to speak little and observe often. Today, though, he was on a mission. He wanted food.

He'd accompanied his sister Ara on a hunting trip already, but he was far too small -- and certainly too young -- to be of any use. It was frustrating to not be able to help, but he had done so without argument, simply watching as she caught and killed rodents and birds to bring back to their parents. Today, however, was a different story. He'd been roused from sleep as he felt the warmth rays of sun beaming into the den's entrance, tickling his nose and causing him to slowly become conscious. A silent yawn escaped his jaws as he pried himself from his mother's gentle grasp, hurrying out of the den as though his life depended on it. He knew his journey most certainly depended on not waking up his parents.

As soon as he left the den, his hindquarters wiggled in excitement as his tail flung back and forth. Though he knew he might get scolded for wandering away without telling anyone, he wondered if he found some food for them all to share if he would be praised too? Curious crimson gaze darted about as he wandered, nose low to the ground as he sniffed every hole he found, wondering if he might happen upon a small rodent he could chase after.