
Cast your net and see what you catch


10-15-2014, 05:13 PM

This southern continent was, well, quite interesting. Different lands of all sorts to explore. There seemed to be scents here too... of others. Whether by those who explored or natives he didn't know. What Kau was seeking was a place that might be ideal in setting up a pack. These lands were distanced from the main packs in the North... it could be a good strategy. Yet... Kau was still in thought on this. The placement of lands was important, yes, and yet... he felt there was something very important that he was forgetting to focus on. Followers.. land... what could it be? It felt like the answer was staring him the face as he went over his list... yet he could not see it.

What he did come to see, however, was the ghostly femme as she came to drink. The massive male remained where he stood, off among the cedar trees. His scent, for the moment, was dulled by the dip he took in the water not long before, coat still drying. Kau would flash a smile, slowly stepping out to get a better look at her. "So even golden eyed spirits need water, hmm? Are you lost my dear?" Kau wore a bit of a grin. Perhaps... he would play.