
Trust in me, I'll trust in you



3 Years
10-15-2014, 06:49 PM

"How does my back look?" The masked boy twisted his head back to look at his scaly friend, who seemed to be pretty upset. He was curled up on his rump, eyes burning with irritation. Ixionn really did wonder seemed lately, ever since they reunited, that iguana has always been annoyed or disappointed. Hm, hm. Did he wonder. The blue creature looked up at Ixionn, hissing stubbornly and coiling his long tail into his body. "Horrible. And because of that, I have to sit here on your boney butt instead of your soft, fluffy neck." The blue iguana snorted and tucked his head back in. Ixionn snorted and rolled his eyes, turning his head and continuing through the many trees of the Polar Sound.
Because of the many wounds he earned when the storms rolled in, he has refused to let his companion sit in the fluffy warmth of his scruff. Many of the open wounds were located there anyways...he didn't want them getting any more infected, and he definitely didn't want to feel any of the pain Drago's claws might bring. Geez...did that lizard care about anyone but himself? --- The masked boy smiled weakly and lowered his head, eyeing his wounded paw that was coiled up at his chest. In addition to his neck/back wounds, he twisted his forepaw, and was now forced to limp around like a cripple. Humiliating, humiliating.
Suddenly, a new aroma filled his nose. wasn't new. It was slightly familiar. But he couldn't exactly identify who it was. Not yet. Ixionn turned back to Drago again, sighing and playing on an irritated expression. "We're not going home," Was all the masked boy said, turning and following down the path that led to Arian.
Drago released a loud, exaggerated moan, uncoiling and whipping lightly at Ixionn's rump. "You're kidding, right?! No, no, we need to go home! Sleep awaits us!" The blue iguana rocked and continued to complain, eventually collapsing and giving up on his useless efforts. Ixionn smirked and lowered his head for a moment. When suddenly, he bumped into something. Someone. Ixionn instantly raised his head, only to see his queen standing before him. The boy laughed nervously and shuffled back quickly. "Ahaha! Miss Arian! It's such a coincidence...seeing you here...ahaha." He grinned, ears flicking softly as Drago laughed silently on his back.
'I should just eat him. Stupid lizard.' He thought with a groan, eyes still locked onto his queen, who he expected would get angry at him for being so clumsy and careless.