
broken crown.



9 Years
Athena I
10-15-2014, 10:55 PM

Leo was all too happy to accept his mother's embrace. He knew he could only scratch the surface of what Caeto had been through and he knew that in the end he had chosen to leave to go see what else was out there in the world, but he couldn't possibly imagine not being happy about being reunited with their mother. At the end of the day he was and always would be a family man and they meant the world to him and their mother was the corner stone of their family with their father gone. Maybe not always the strongest corner stone, but one none of the less.

Soon enough another form joined their embrace and he smiled wider when he smelled Isolde's scent and heard her voice. He had been reunited with her earlier, but her being here made their family reunion all the more real. Now all of his littermates were here. He wished some of their older siblings would appear as well, but so far there was no sign of them. Then another appeared and Epiphron broke their hug to move toward her. Leo's head turned to see who it was and saw Arian standing there with a pup. He looked at the pair curiously, certain that the pup didn't belong to Arian, but not sure who she might have belonged to.

He glanced away from his mother as she moved to embrace Arian, speaking apologies and asking questions. Leo turned to Isolde first, smiling and leaning into her with an affectionate nuzzle before looking to Caeto who still sat apart from the crowd, looking as downtrodden as ever. Leo marched over to his brother with determination. He paused, their saphire gazes meeting for a moment before he stepped forward and embraced Caeto firmly. He didn't care if Caeto wanted the affection or not, he was going to get it because Leo was determined to prove to his brother that he cared about him. "I'm glad you're here, brother. I've missed you."

"Talk" "You" Think