
Cross my heart and hope to die


10-15-2014, 11:30 PM


A calm smile rested on Niketas' muzzle, his eyes following her easily as she settled down onto her stomach next to him. She spoke her name and he stored it away in his memories for later while his green eyes met her similarly green gaze. Again, in a similar way to how they both had intricate but very different markings, their eyes were both green, but hers were a darker shade, closer to the color of pine tree needles while his were a brighter, more acidic hue. She had a very legitimate question for him, one he often asked himself. "It's not all bad. It's beautiful out here at night. Plus the birds quiet down a good bit at night too." He lowered his huge form back onto his stomach as well while she stretched out comfortably. She was certainly a beautiful sight and Niketas had no problem with her claiming his full attention.

He breifly tossed about whether he should bring up Maija or not, but he decided to just go for it. What harm could it do? "I've also just been hanging around this area because it's so close to the pack over in that direction," he said, motioning with his muzzle in the direction toward Arcanum. "Your pack if I'm not mistaken by your scent. I think my mother might live there and I just haven't quite decided if I want to join her there or not."