
Trust in me, I'll trust in you



3 Years
10-16-2014, 04:22 AM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2014, 04:23 AM by Ixionn.)

The girl seemed more amused than angry, to Ixionn's surprise. She simply looked at him...and giggled. The masked boy stared for a moment, while Drago continued to laugh. But Ixionn could feel him stopping cold as Arian glanced over at him. "Ixionn has anyone treated these wounds? Because if they did they didn't do it properly." What a sudden thing to say. Expecting at least a greeting, or maybe scolding, instead he was asked if his wounds were treated? Maybe Arian wasn't as bad as she seemed, then. Aye. Ixionn needed to stop being so rude...
He dropped back onto his torso, causing the stiffened lizard to roll off his rump and plop against the ground. Ixionn snorted, before turning to his queen and smiling cheerfully. "If you'd let me, I could treat them. Your father was Hajime right? He's my cousin by blood." The mention of Hajime tore his heart a bit, but the boy kept smiling, taking note that she had offered to treat his wounds so generously. He also took note that this was Hajime's cousin by blood. So she, too, had most definitely had to mourn over his death like Ixionn had.
It made the boy feel a bit funny inside though. Hajime's cousin was now his queen...but even though she was related to him, Ixionn had never gotten the chance to meet her. Though, in a way, it made sense. Maybe Arian was busy at the time...or maybe Hajime was too busy. He never knew. But that was all in the past. He needed to focus on the present...even if he did miss all the relatives he's lost over time.
"No...they haven't been treated." He felt kind of ashamed, and he probably looked a bit irresponsible for not seeking help. But- he really did. Only at first, though. "But help would be amazing. They kind of hurt...especially my paw here. You can't do much about a twisted paw though, right?" Ixionn found himself laughing nervously again, extending his awkwardly-positioned paw out to the queen and wincing slightly. Then, after a few seconds, he pulled it back into his chest and smiled. "Even if you can't, thank you so much." Drago had eventually made his way up to Ixionn's head, sitting up there calmly and glancing down at Arian with curious eyes. And instead of knocking him off, he let him sit there for a bit.
