
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
10-16-2014, 04:12 PM

Destruction accepted his offer to den together for the night, his head giving a small nod. She didn't mind sharing one since he had been such a gentleman, and to this his head would lift and an almost cheesy grin appeared. Clearly he was happy about that part of him, and that somebody could see and was welcomed by it rather than creeped out or made uncomfortable. Upon accepting the offer she also questioned the man on if he knew where a possible den could be, or if they had to look together. "Hm..." His head lifted slightly and tilted to the side in though, trying to remember if he had spotted anything close to a den when he had come here with the deer carcass. All he could come up with however was some spots where trees had fallen over, created a sort of pile here and there. "Yes and yes." He responded with a chuckle, turning his head towards the woman. "I recall some spots where a few trees fell over each other like a pile, but we will have to check a few out to see if any are big enough for both of us." He explained.

Without waiting the man smirked once more before setting off, body turning around and away from the lake, paws carrying his massive form into the treeline. Deviant's demeanor was calm, very relaxed despite the land being covered in darkness quickly. Tail swung slow, head held high and golden eyes scanning over vegetation and around the trees. Coming from the moors and towards the lake part of this place, he remembered passing about three of these piles of fallen trees, but couldn't quite remember which was the largest. Oh well, with lady Destruction with him they should find them in no time and settle down for the night before departing in the morning.

Awesome table by Requiem <3