
[P]erhaps now we are free



4 Years
10-17-2014, 02:04 PM
She holds her head high during their travels, despite the pain each step seems to take. It hadn't been long since they left what had been a life in ruin, so the wounds have yet to fully heal. But she presses on, carnation eyes wide to take in the world around her, to find them a safe place to bed down for the night and let her wounds heal. "Addy," Her voice calls so gently through the dying day, turning her eyes just slightly behind her, knowing that her brother would be right at her side. "How are you holding up?" It is a whisper she speaks in, a near silent question in hopes no one aside from her brother would hear. There's no knowing who would be listening within the shadows. With a gentle smile she turned her head back, not waiting entirely for his answer as she moves to walk again.

Vines cascade from the heavens above them, clinging like webs to the greenery that blot out what little light they may have to travel by. And yet, she continues to walk, her paws never pausing despite the pain, despite the near blindness she walks in the dim until her eyes adjust to the coming darkness. She is the guide, the wind in the sails, and it is her job...her destiny to lead her brother to safety. The whiteness of the trees almost bounce the dimming light away, leaving ghosts of life looming around them. It only takes another moment of journey before she sees the rocks, sees the near glowing spring, and her breathe catches in her throat. "Brother, look." She whisperes, treading tenderly towards the waters, a gentle smile on her face. Wide eyes peer into the waters, searching for the magic but finding only darting glowing creatures. "Fish." She laughed, shaking her head. For but a moment she thought she had witnessed magic, but instead she had only found fish.

"Burn Baby Burn"