
[P]erhaps now we are free



4 Years
10-17-2014, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2014, 02:49 PM by Ellasyn.)
She sighs gently in the refreshing moist air, eyes closed as she almost feels the ache seep from her bones just from the atmosphere around them. The dim light with the glowing fish of the spring lulls her to a comfort she hadn't felt in so long. Her pain pulls from her in a deep sigh, ears slowly falling back and her defensive wall lowering just enough to relax. There was a safeness here, perhaps it was the thick growth or the stones of the shrine, but she felt safe. "Addy.." She begins when she hears the soft splash of him entering the water, almost ready to warn him that the fish may not be safe, but her words stop abruptly when water splashes over her. She stiffens suddenly, subconsciously, jaws clenched as pain surges through her wounds before she turns glaring eyes towards her brother, a small smile pulling at her lips. "Of course." She laughs before stepping towards the spring to pull her aching from into the refreshing waters.

"You didn't answer me." She whispered as her maw lowers to lap up the refreshing water, sighing with happiness it cools its way down her throat, her eyes closing once again. "How are your wounds? Must we find a healer? If they are bad enough, we should seek assistance..perhaps trade our aid for some herbs." She offered, opening sharp carnation eyes to examine the scar ladden body of her brother, searching for the fresh ones. Hers had stopped bleeding several territories ago, but they still ached, the walking had pulled at the healing process and she was sure she had reopened them at least half a dozen times. But, reguardless, it was her brother that had to be kept in tip top shape. So long as her eyes could see, her ears could hear and her mind could think, it mattered little the shape her own form was in, so long as Adair was well.

"Burn Baby Burn"