
�ingvellir (YFIR)



3 Years
10-17-2014, 02:52 PM

A capable young warrior, hmm? Freyja would be the judge of that. At least it was something to do, a responsibility , something to work towards. Of course the term young could be a bit misleading. Exactly how young should she expect? If this Bera was still a little fluff ball Freyja was more likely to use it as an appetizer than an apprentice. Still, she nodded her agreement, and scanned the crowd this young wolf she was supposed to train. All faces looked familiar enough, or at least, she had a vague conception of who they were and there they had come from. Eventually she brushed it off, taking Katja's word that such a wolf must surely exist. The Olympian children would give their foolish oaths and Freyaj shuffled her paws. It seemed like so great a folly, but... Grinding her teeth, she knew that Katja's decisions were law. She would have to find it in herself to respect that, even if she didn't like it. Don't come crying to me when they run off on you, she thought to herself. If Katja wanted to put her faith in this far off sibling fine, but if the debacle brought shame upon the rest of them? That would be a different matter entirely. I'm trusting you, she thought at Katja, eyes narrowed and hackles half raised. My own honor is yours, don't you dare let me down. The dark warrior was more than capable of leading, Freyja knew that. Still, knowing and acting on that faith were two very different things.

"Talk" "You" Think