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05-18-2013, 05:09 PM

To say that he was uneasy would be an understatement, but to say he was afraid would be a bold faced lie. The King was not afraid of Tortuga, but he wasn't exactly keen on befriending them either. Still, for the safety of Seracia it was best that he be as civil as possible during this encounter. His Kingdom would rest easily after this - he hoped. Something of a silence ruled over them as the two diplomats seemed to be piecing together their lines of questioning in their heads. At least, that's what Gerhardt was doing - he had no clue as to what Viridiana had on her mind. Finally she broke the silence, offering up a bit of history. The King nodded his head in agreement, ears flickering forth to listen with the intent of remembering it all - if he could. Nnoitra had founded their pack. Gerhardt had heard that name before. He'd given it to his adopted son, Kaien, who had been overthrown by Desdemona - the most recent leader. Desdemona had then taken Nnoitra up as a secondary leader and the two now ruled Tortuga as one. It seemed they had all spread out to learn about the packs, how quaint. Gerhardt gave another nod to show he'd been listening, though he wasn't sure that it was particularly necessary to comment back.

She would then question his rulership and the founding of the pack. The questions seemed innocent enough, so the King began his response. "I rule alone at the present time." He would say with confidence and prowess. There was really no need for a secondary with the strong wolves he had in the second and third tiers. "Our moral standings could best be described as neutral, as we aren't particularly keen on seeking out turmoil - but we do not shirk away from what needs to be done. Overall, Seracia rests upon two basic morals: respect and honor, and we strive for the good of our Kingdom as a whole, whatever that may be. Our founding isn't much different than any other pack, I would imagine. I had the idea in my head upon leaving my previous home, and when I finally arrived here in Alacritia with my family in tow we built Seracia from the ground up." He'd mentioned family. He wondered if she would question him further on the subject. But first, the King would turn the question on her. "..and where does Tortuga's moral compass lie?" His head tilted slightly, an ear flickering idly as he awaited this answer. He'd heard rumors galore but it was best to get this information straight from the horse's - or in this case, wolf's - mouth.
