
My Turn [Claiming]



2 Years
10-17-2014, 07:45 PM

His call echoed in the chilly autumn air and for the longest time there was nothing but silence. Drashiel would wait, his frame still and regal as if waiting for destiny to come herself and greet him in person. If there was one thing he had it was patience. And his patience did not go unrewarded. A curiously marked yearling would be the first to approach. A handsome male with unusual stripes upon his face. His greeting was a little casual for Drashiel's taste but the male was young yet and if he was willing to work and learn he could be a valuable asset to a budding pack.

Drashiel dipped his head in greeting before turning his attention to the next arrival. Jaw fell, his voice falling from his parted lips barely above a whisper. "Sal'krie?" A rush of emotions filled him, longing, anger, joy, all of them. What was she doing here? He'd turned her free after he'd left with Isardis. Drashiel tried to speak but he could not find the words and instead withdrew himself into the calm, composed role of the leader he'd been trained to be.

Another young female entered and she quickly caught the new alpha's attention. Another wolf of curious and beautiful markings. Well he didn't see any reason to sit in uncomfortable silence. "Hail, all of you and welcome. My name is Drashiel Armada and I seek to take over this pack that at one time belonged to my half-sister Roman. I don't doubt that I can still be challenged so I'll hold off on the politics. Perhaps it would be beneficial for everyone to introduce themselves as well? Sal'krie and I know each other but you two I am unfamiliar with."


ooc: I've started a thread where I'll start compiling some info on the pack. Hopefully I'll have more up this weekend. :3