
no one's gonna love you more than i do.

Talon I


4 Years
10-17-2014, 09:40 PM

Why did he leave her, over and over again? Perhaps it was for the same reasons she abandoned him. A perpetual cycle, one that neither of them seemed able to break. Talon was afraid of losing Kangi and, ironically, this led him to pulling away from her. There was a constant fear that he might not be enough for her and that she deserved a much better life, one without him and the burden of his companionship. He knew deep in his heart that he would never amount to much more than what he already was -- a wanderer, with a heart of gold, but his physical skills were limited and he had no desire to achieve greatness or anything more than what he had shared with Kangi. Certainly she could find a male much stronger, much more able to protect her and care for her; someone different than himself.

He couldn't seem to reconcile his need to keep her safe, and their own innate desire for freedom and independence. They had never been entirely happy when they were with packs but he knew winter was coming soon, and they were certainly safer in a pack. Talon felt as though he couldn't win either way. The pack they had joined had seemed good at first, but quickly after their arrival a war had been announced and they had been too terrified to stay. The storms only separated them further, his own safety on the line as the hurricanes battered the lands and forced him into hiding.

Another sigh fell from his tight jaw as he wandered, pacing back and forth along a single wall of the castle. It wasn't a solid stone wall, instead it was crumbling and caving in numerous spots and though it looked dangerous he was not fearful for his safety here. The cover of the floor overhead made him feel safe, as though hidden from most of the world.

A familiar sound would slowly rattle him from his thoughts, his hazy vision slowly sharpening as he shook his head to gaze about. "Hmph?" he would mumble, his voice hoarse from not being used as his head swung to the side, searching frantically for the source of the sound. How long had it been since he'd spoken to anyone? Days? Weeks? Perhaps even a month or more. It look a long moment for him to register who was calling to him. Before his brain fully registered the situation, she came tumbling near him, falling from above like something sent to him from the heavens.

His jaw would unhinge slightly, surprise painting his delicate features as he locked eyes with her. "How...?" How did she find him? Had she meant to at all? Truthfully, he had gotten a bit lost himself. Talon knew he had traveled south but this new continent was something entirely unfamiliar to him. "I didn't mean to leave you..." he started, his voice small and beginning to quiver quite audible as he gazed upon her pretty features. Why was he so stupid? Tears already had begun to well in his silver eyes, his limbs feeling quite unstable as his mind reeled.