
Because I Love You



11 Years
10-18-2014, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 02:40 AM by Bane.)
Bane braced himself for her words and sat back. His lips tasted of her own, the male's head tilting slightly down as Tahlia spoke. And she spoke the truth. Before trying for their first two litters Bane remembered having spoken his doubts, his fears of disappointing Tahlia with a lack of children. But each time conception through the years had brought forth new lives for them Bane's thoughts remained uneasy when it came to Tahlia conceiving. Nervous with the knowledge that one day children simply would not come forth from their union. He hoped he was wrong each time it crossed his mind but couldn't help voice the worries. This couldn't last forever.

"It is true. I do not know for certain. Your right about that. What I'm saying is to not be surprised should this no longer work. I am weak now. My pelt is greying and I've lost my sight. I fear for the healthiness of any offspring this should yield." Bane leaned forward with purpose, delivering a kiss on her lips. A little flick of his tongue intruding into Tahlia's maw as a growl surfaced from his chest. "This will be... slower, than in the past. I'm sorry. But I will do my part in ceasing the restlessness. Just tell me how..." It was the least he could do to be honest with her.

The greying wolf would then began to move, not waiting for objections but instead giving a nip behind the corner of her jaw, a lick along the side of her neck. Gently grabbing her tail in his maw Bane let a rumble bubble up from his chest, faded black forelegs would grip her hips as he settled along her back.


Bane listening to the fjords river and Tahlia's panting from where they stood on the shore, His own ragged breaths given beside her left ear and unseeing eyes remaining closed, the old wolf standing next to Tahlia. Listening to their restless breathes. A kiss was given over her seeing eye. There was the hope that he was wrong, that young would be brought forth from her womb and into a world away from a pack. In a place of peace.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•