
baby blue sedan


05-18-2013, 07:14 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2013, 07:15 PM by Deteste.)

Deteste remained somewhat silent as he sorted through his juxtaposed thoughts. Clearly his friendship with Jupiter had created a great emotional confusion for Deteste. What was most difficult was that he understood that the confusion stemmed from the fact that he had never had a friend before. Though Laxago was undoubtedly his friend, for Deteste it was as if she hardly existed. She had been gone for so long. Much longer, Deteste remembered, than she had ever really been there. However this understanding only made the confusion worse for Deteste was unsure what emotions were true and which were temporary but so many of them were borderline perceptions. He respected the Sol religiously. As a leader and as an individual. But admiration would be a more accurate description of what he felt and such admiration bordered on emotions that he dared not yet approach. Especially when everything was subject to change. Jupiter's pregnancy had skewed Deteste's vision of the maiden as an independent and powerful woman. Though through the confusion that clouded his perceptions Deteste understood that there was still much to learn about the Sol that he had devoted himself so fully to and more so he understood that pregnancy was temporary and Jupiter would be her complete self again once the pups were born. At least this was how things were expected to happen. Laxago had changed completely after the birth of their first litter.

Deteste was aware of the idle speech exchanged between Jupiter and Aria but had nothing to offer himself and thus remained quiet until he was specifically addressed. He smiled, regardless of his troublesome thoughts, he found that it was difficult not to feel uplifted within Aria's presence. Your playfulness graces me, Borealis. I assure you, your play does not annoy me. Deteste offered another relaxed chuckle though his attention was quickly drawn away by Jupiter's cough. I am still the only Sol. Deteste was unsure exactly what Jupiter meant by this comment but he felt somewhat relieved. Though he had no idea why he felt such relief, he welcomed the alleviation. He watched Jupiter carefully as she continued to talk. Once he understood that the pregnancy had been a surprised, Deteste also became aware that the timing was a burden on the Sol. Deteste was unsure what Jupiter's worries were but he planned to do what be could for her.

I understand. Deteste nodded to provide a physical expression of his understanding. and I hope you understand, Sol, that you may call on me for any need. His words were spoken with sincerity and seriousness and Deteste parted his jowls to offer a kind, unavoidably toothsome smile to the woman who in her state, he understood, must feel vunrable and out of place. I have a soft spot for little ones. Deteste paused, Perhaps I can be your royal babysitter. It was joke but also a serious offer. He understood the great responsibilities of a single parent. He had raised his sons practically on his own given Laxago's state which had been much worse at the time of birth. He wanted to make sure that regardless of circumstance that these children would not share the same unhappiness his own faced. Especially if they were kin of Jupiter.