
Trust in me, I'll trust in you



3 Years
10-19-2014, 07:15 AM (This post was last modified: 10-19-2014, 07:15 AM by Ixionn.)

"I'm adjusting, I always do." She'd say simply, with a series of words tailing behind. She told him that he looked and acted so much like Hajime, and that she was actually informed of their heritage. So instead of breaking down and bawling his eyes out like he would have as a pup, he smiled. He wanted to be like his father. Because he knew Hajime was such a wonderful wolf who didn't need to die when he did. He could of continued to spread his light. And since there was an interruption in his journey, Ixionn would pick up after him and finish the job.
The masked boy studied the queen's face, his smile extending when she apologized. He shook his head and released a soft laugh. "No, it doesn't. Talking about Hajime makes me happy. He was an amazing wolf who shouldn't have died, and when others talk about him, it makes me happy...happy to know that he was so loved by others." Ixionn's tail thumped weakly against the earth as he finished. But Arian had instantly picked up after him, standing and turning her body toward the northern caverns.
"Want to see something?" Ixionn lifted and brow, and Drago, now relatively curious, crawled onto Ixionn's head and watched the red girl calmly. After a few moments, the boy nodded and skipped up beside her, tail in the air and swaying from side to side happily. "You two..." Drago was a bit confused. So he just stopped and relaxed between Ixionn's ears. "Are we heading back to the Northern Mines?"

ooc; sorry about the unnecessary shortness. xD