
cracks in blackout blinds



3 Years
10-19-2014, 02:13 PM

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The male introduced himself, though he didn't answer her question. Not that it really mattered at the moment. Leviathi Walker. Cool. Levi. Also pretty cool. She bobbed her head in a friendly manner, acknowledging his introduction. "My name's Acadia Frost, but everyone just calls me Ace." She hummed, offering a rather large smile to him, if only briefly. Deciding she was tired of sitting up, the lass flopped over with a muffled thud. Now, she folded her limbs loosely against her belly so that Levi could sit there too if he wanted. However, at the moment, she couldn't see him. Where had he gone? Had he wandered off? Well, that was cool, exploring was fun. Should she go after him? Nah, laying here was pretty awesome. Though, the male did return, taking a seat beside her and looking at her with a cocked crown. He posed a rather boring query, in her opinion. "I have a home, but I like to wander around and see the world, man." She replied, shrugging her narrow shoulders.

Blinking slowly, her optics drifted to fix her gaze upon the clouds, just barely visible through the canopies high overhead. They were so pretty, and undulated constantly. Their new shapes were always endlessly wonderful to see. Sometimes they looked like ducks, and turned into fish. It was so cool to watch, and she could lay around for hours watching them. Her distracted state slowly faded, and she remembered that Levi was still sitting there. She blinked slowly once more, smiling weakly at him. "What about you, do you have a home?" She asked him, vocals gravelly and melodic.
OOC: I'm sorry this is so craptastic

Fenben made me this here arts, thank you Fenben!