
Family matters



7 Years
10-19-2014, 07:40 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2014, 09:12 AM by Quintus.)

Life was confusing. When he'd first joined Abaven he'd been certain he could grow comfortable there, if not for Harmony's unabashed crush on him, and that he might someday consider it home. Instead, her attention had wavered quite dramatically, leaving him hopelessly confused -- and even more lonely than when he'd first joined the pack. His restless paws would leave him away from the lands he had become familiar with and slightly further west.

For once, his mind was almost empty of all thoughts as he wandered. He was not entirely sure he wanted to remain in Abaven; he was not particularly social, and they were a tight-knit group, one that was difficult to integrate into without more effort than Quintus was willing to give. Slowly the flat plains sprouted to and fro with trees; scarred from fires from long ago. This land was desolate, void of most life, and he found his surroundings strangely calming.

How long he wandered, he didn't know; but slowly the scent of a familiar creature met his nostrils. His nose twitched as awareness appeared on his face, head jerking to the side as he tasted the aroma carefully. It was one of his younger siblings. Had he been searching for him? For some reason, this surprised him, as he hadn't seen anyone in his family for quite some time. When Leo's form came into view, he found his jaw unhinging in visible surprise. "Leo?" he called out to him incredulously, quickening his pace to draw nearer to his younger brother. "Jesus... last time I saw you, you were no more than half this size." It hadn't struck him until now that it had been so long since he's seen his youngest siblings.