
too sick to pray


10-19-2014, 09:40 PM

The little slave girl would step forward, rather boldly. She would speak to Kylar, addressing only him and immediately her dark lips would unfurl. A low growl clawed free from her throat as she shot daggers at the woman. "You forget who she belongs to." Venom dripped off her words. Her attention was solely on the girl, her son slipping away unnoticed. It wasn't until a new set of lyrics that she would release the girl from her deadly gaze. Meinx arrived, just as intrigued as the rest. But her focus was on the golden woman. Her gaze would cool, though it still burned with victory. Soft words would wiggle into her ears, breaking her out of the heady fog. Audits tipped forward to give her attention to the woman. She wished to take care of this fallen queen. A brow would lift.

For a moment she considered it. Maija was a capable woman, taking care of a prisoner would not be hard. Perhaps she could teach the little white girl a trick or to. But then she spoke those four little words. Her expression immediately smoothed out into a picture of completely coolness. "My dear, don't be so naive." Soft words fell only for her golden ears. Family could not care those who were prisoners. She couldn't run the risk. "But, I will allow you to tend to her wounds." Her words were final. She was not going to allow anything else. "If she goes missing, it will be your lovers head that rolls." With a final look, she would return her attention to the disgraced queen, still unconscious.

The little girl was not forgotten. "Help Maija tend to her injuries, learn something, be useful." She would bark the command, though she didn't spare the girl a glance. Pressing against Kylar she would turn away. Nothing else was to be done here, she would play with her toy when she was awake and coherent.

-exit unless someone has something else to say-
