
Mama she knew how to sing



2 Years
10-19-2014, 10:02 PM
Angels with Broken Wings

Let the wind carry you

far, deep, and wide

It was becoming difficult to mask her worries behind her magnificent blue eyes. She was on edge since the sign from the Great Goddess warning her of wolves from the north. It worried her and she knew she should talk to the Elders about such things but in truth she was slightly frightened to. She still held onto the hope that she had taken the sign all wrong and that it was meant as a good omen than fresh minds would find their way to the continent and that everything could be peaceful. Unfortunately, she was not na?ve. She knew that those howls the northern wolves always made were calls to war and bloodshed. It was all in their tones which she had listened to since she was born.

She sighed as her rump plomped onto the ground with a thud as she stared at the garden she often thought in. She was supposed to be some powerful and elegant prophet who talked to the Great Goddess from above but she felt so disconnected from the world because of all her constant worrying that she did her best to hide. She was fairly sure she had been successful in these concerns but slowly her shield was cracking and the true she was starting to expose itself. She fell into a laying position with her head resting on her paws as she talked to herself in prayer to her Goddess. ?Iyen Nla Goddess. Kini o je? Ohun ti o ti wa ni gbiyanju lati so fun mi?? She wondered out loud with an almost pleading voice. She knew Skah was probably nearby like he always was but she didn't think anyone else was.

Someday on the other sideOjiṣẹ Oluwa