
Mama she knew how to sing


10-19-2014, 10:13 PM

Wandering was nothing something uncommon for her. It was part of their culture to travel wherever they pleased. The Goddess had given them all over this, provided them with a home and plenty of food and water. It wasn't often that she ventured into the garden, but when she did, she found herself wrapped in a blanket of peace. It was quiet, serene, here, and she liked it. The worries fell away with each step. Grey paws pressed into the earth, her lavender gaze downcast with her thoughts. She had run into Shak only days prior. Her childhood friend was someone entirely different. He was cold, standoffish. But still every bit good looking. A sigh would roll off her lips. Perhaps she could chat with his brother, maybe he knew something.

Gentle lyrics would fill her ashen ears, immediately recognized as the Oracle. Her gaze would snap up, knowing that Shak was nearby. It wasn't hard to find the pale woman, she was so small and docile, but held great power. A friendly smile would curl her lips as she approached from the woman's left. "Aika, o ni ki o dara lati ri o." She was easily twice the size of the woman, stopping about a foot away, her haunches would recline, gaze tipped down towards her Oracle. Almost immediately she took note of her expression. "Ni ohun gbogbo daradara?" Concern filled her voice. It wasn't a secret that everyone was concerned about the northern wolves being able to entire their home, but did the Oracle know more? Had their Goddess spoken to her?
