
Dance in Blood and Fire; Claim Challange



2 Years
10-19-2014, 11:06 PM

The creature before him was running high on the power she reaped from the card she held. They where all held by her, He could see it in the lust in her eyes, the stance of power and dominance she bore above them. Yet he was not afraid, he was still running on his own high, still enraptured by the being he was turning into as he fell into her game. The inconsequential words she purred to Falk where pushed aside in his mind, as his ears flicked in a motion that could have been taken as lazy, towards the approaching trio. His glance to her was quick, medical as he took in her state and saw that she was mostly as she had been before she had left, if a little more battered by her adventure. He turned his attention back to Cat's first words, giving away no weakens, no sign of his need to move to Sibelle as he kept himself still and drawled, lazily. ?Well it wasn't entirely mine to lose you see...? He trailed off, thoughtful, as he tried to envision where this meeting was going.

Cataleya would speak again, her tone a light threaten, spoken like a comment in passing, take an eye, leave an eye, it was as through it was all inconsequential to this tyrant. ?Kick her well she's down? Where's the challenge in that? You strike me as someone who would enjoy a better challenge, Cataleya a fresher fight, a new opponent. Fight me for her freedom, im sure my blood is far sweeter? he purred, already his stance was shifting, his feet widening for balance, his toes digging in for a better grip. He had known all along that a fight was unavoidable, and he was thrumming with anticipation now, it danced across his muscles warmed him to the bone, he was certain it wouldn't be long now, their long awaited dance.