
A ọrọ ti �gb�gbọ (Skah)


10-20-2014, 12:06 AM
Skah Adeyemi

He spent every night outside of her den, sleeping so lightly that at times he was awoken by a breeze, every vigilant and ever on guard. He wasn't usually so dutiful be since her visions of the northern Wolves and since his trip to the land bridge to confirm her vision they had both been robbed of their sleep more often then not. Some nights the sound of her shifting in her den was enough to keep him up but he would never tell her this. This morning she would rise early and depart her den and he would lift himself and fall into step behind her. It was a typical morning, he did not speak unless spoken too and simply followed her with his head near her right hip. Aqua gaze would slip too and fro, moving slowly beside her so he could be mindful of their surroundings. Today she would lead him to the falls and he would pause as she moved forward to settle herself closer to the water. He would stay in the shade, keeping his distance so she could be alone with the goddess.

Despite his physical distance he was ever mindful and watchful of both her and her surroundings. His gaze would constantly switch from the trees surrounding them and every dance of the leaves to her and every twitch other muscles. She would stir more then usual and immediately he would lift himself, concern evident in his gaze as he stepped forward and to her side. "Aika?" He would ask, deep baritone rumbling up his throat as he paused a moment to see if she would dismiss his concerns. It would not be the first time he had been worried over nothing, not be the first time he had interrupted a communion that Ojiṣẹ was having with the goddess but still he would move to her side in concern. "Kili o ṣe ọ ? Ti o ti ko ti orun daradara..." His voice was soft, hushed. Despite his concern for her his gaze would still flitter to their surroundings on occasion. He had been her protector for over a year now, been with her day in and day out and yet he still called her by her title rather then her given name. Habits it seemed...


Art & table by Layla/fiftyblackroses