
you've got em wrapped around your finger

Katja the First


8 Years
10-20-2014, 09:19 AM

The dull ringing in her ears slowly resolved into words, the voices hollow and echoing. Jaeger... and Daegmar, whose voice grounded her to the moment. "No." The word came out quietly, but with too many hard edges, the edges rimed with frost. Too calm as she spoke to her packmate. "Daegmar, this is my cousin, Jaeger. He fled when he was suspected of incest in the pack we grew up in. He is the reason I came to this place." She'd sworn an oath to bring him back to justice. She'd sworn an oath to remain with Yfir. Gods forgive her, she could not do both. The darkness within her shuddered and stirred, something feral awakening and she took a slow step toward her cousin. Was he her cousin? Auora had been sent a vision that he was dead. Was the form before her the lie, the trick, or had the vision itself been false, wrapped in truth to better disguise it? "Mir wurde gesagt, Sie waren tot, Jaeger." A silent snarl bared ivory fangs. "Sie sollten auf diese Weise geblieben. Feigling. Entweiher. M?rder."

The accusation, the secret fears and convictions she'd spoken to no one, not even Auora about, crackled into the cavern and the feral thing snapped.


Defenses slipped into place without thought. Her stance shifted so her limbs were squared, slightly wider for balance, with her weight spread equally over each limb, her joints loose and slightly bent. Her toes spread apart, the blunt claws scraping the cavern floor as she pressed the nails against the stone for traction. Her head and tail both came to the level of her spine, her shoulders rolling forward to bunch the skin and fur of her neck as her chin tilted down slightly to protect her throat. Her hackles bristled, and her ears pressed down against her skull as her eyes narrowed. She snarled, the skin around her brow and eyes scrunching up for added protection.

She rocked her weight back onto her hindquarters for a fraction of a second, giving more power to her leap as she sought to bound toward her erstwhile cousin. They were both slim, and he only a bare inch taller and a cripple besides. She had no compunction against attempting to slam into him mid-leap, the center of her chest aiming for the center of the underside of his neck, midway between where it met his jawbone and where it met his chest. Even for herself, prepared for it, the impact would be bruising if she struck correctly, and she braced herself for the jarring.

Her head twisted to face to her left as she attempted her leap, teeth flashing as she aimed a bite to his silvery left eye with every intention of obtaining a crushing grip, her upper fangs seeking the brow above the left eye while her lower jaw sought to slice along his cheek with the intention of them meeting in the middle where his eye was situated. She'd intended for this to merely dominate him, to incapacitate him to force him back to the bosom of their family for justice as she'd always believed would happen, but rage and frustration and fear sank their own teeth into Katja as the feral darkness uncoiled within her, driving her into a depth of aggression she rarely showed. She would blind this deceptive creature who masqueraded as a cousin she'd thought dead, and if it was no trick of Loki, if it was in fact Jaeger... All the better. She could drag him home a bit the worse for wear.

Already partially raised as she leaped, as she was preparing herself for a possible impact of chest and jaws she was bringing her forepaws up in an attempt to wrap the paws around his neck, one on either side of his, trying to hook them so they clung just above his shoulders. Not a loving hug as she might share with Auora, but an attempt at a clinging grasp to hold him within range.

Katja vs JAEGER for MAIM (left eye)

Round 1/?

Defenses: first paragraph under ******'s

Attacks: attempting to smash her chest into the center of the underside of his neck, attempting to obtain a crushing grip on left eye, forelegs attempting to wrap around his neck above the shoulders

Injuries: first round

OOC Notes: his profile wasn't absolutely clear about which eye was which so I just went with his lineart references. If I'm wrong I guess just assume whichever color is actually on his left is the one she went for regardless of what color is stated in the post.