
here in your arms



8 Years
Extra large
10-20-2014, 12:18 PM

A deep breath would sound loudly in the silence of the cathedral, the wind would rush from his large muzzle. Shai?s massive frame was still besides the sides of his chest heaving with deep breaths. Bright eyes were snuffed but still his features would look forward with his head held high. Though the oracle was the spokeswoman of the goddess, Shai knew he could still feel the deities presence magnified here. He?d meditate within her grove. While a dark and pitch as the night would surround him a small sliver of light would pierce the tall canopy and stream down before his giant marked paws. His decorated form would sit before her presence, silent, alone, and having told no one of this place.
He would come before the goddess as he did every day, his thoughts forming questions of her reasoning in his life. As he had for the past year he would begin with pleading once more for his mother?s life. Her loss had been great to him, and still a year later the pain of her loss bored a hole through his heart. As well he would question why it was his brother that had been appointed the duty of guardian while he had not. He wished not to question her ways, but could not help but ask what her reasons were. The last of his questions would be of the northern wolves, and what their purpose would be here. This was there home, her land! How could she permit them access? These questions would stir in his mind as he sat before the light. The amount of time he spent at that place varied every day, and today he had been missing for several hours.

"Yoruban" "English"

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