
Take from One, Give to the Other



10-21-2014, 10:29 AM
Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz

He took kindly to her words. And proceeded to proclaim that this land was a comfortable one to live in. He also claimed to have an understanding of her want to remove herself from home. But where they differed was in reasoning, and comfort level. He was able to tell her why he had left his home. Where as she didn't want to. She couldn't bring herself to say in out loud, nor did she want to for that matter. Because as much as she didn't expect sympathy, she didn't want it ether. Maybe one day, when she'd used up all that spite to make something of herself, but right now... Right now there was only the become stronger. So she found herself unable to draw forth an explanation to give him. It was beyond her at the moment.

Thankfully though, he provided her a moment's distraction, her gaze coming up to watch his paws as he moved to secure his herbs that he had gathered. This gave her a spark of curiosity. And so this time, she questioned him. "You're a healer, aren't you. A mender of vounds." This would offer her all the explanation she needed. Healers where born with an will to help others. Tessi's mother had once told her that they'd been hand picked by a higher power and anointed with a bright soul and an instinct to pull sickness from the body. It was a noble trade. The woman respected it as such.

Finally, she returned herself to his first statement. About Alacritis being a comfortable place to live. This brought a puzzled look to her maw as she curiously went to question him on that topic. Because from her point of view, this land was a tender box. Just another disaster waiting to happen. One more chapter to be tossed in among the Riddles that where muttered in the darkness. But perhaps she could be wrong. Perhaps there wasn't a day planned when the empires would burn. A tragedy, maybe. Because there where some that deserved such. "Tell me. Your land, it has a very large number of tribes intrenched upon it, nien? Normally zhis is a recipe for much discord and chaos, is it not?" Her question was a fair and honest one. She wanted to see how much he believed his own words, and maybe then, she might let them hold some value.