
here in your arms


10-21-2014, 03:05 PM
ooc - wasn't sure if she knew about his mama, so just let me know and i can change it

He would kindly lower himself so that she didn't have to crane her neck to meet his gaze. She would shoot him a quiet smile of appreciation. She had always been larger than the other females, but she was no match for him. His deep baritone vocals would brush away her question, his form of avoiding speaking about it. A brow would lift, silently stating that she knew better than that. He may have spoken to the Goddess about it, but clearly he wasn't getting the answer he wanted if it was still troubling him. Perhaps he was still grieving over the loss of his mother. She knew the woman's death had been hard on all her children. In any case, she wouldnt press for answers, not yet at least.

His brothers name rolled off his tongue easily, though her body would stiffen in response. She would scoff before answering. "laanu bẹẹni." She would break eye contact, glaring at a bush. "O si ni ohun kẹtẹkẹtẹ." She would grumble with annoyance, her gaze finally flicking back to Shai. Her own forelegs would stretch, lowering her upper body to the ground. She would roll into her side with a huff, staring straight away, her tail thumping against the ground idly.
