
Whose gonna save the world tonight



3 Years
10-21-2014, 06:08 PM

Whoops. Apparently Ixionn had been guessing a lot of things wrong lately. Irune's reaction to Arian, and now Levi's attitude or mood. Pft, how about he tries smiling so he isn't so concerned? Ixionn smiled weakly and laughed, but stopped cold as his brother leaned in to hug him. The masked boy sighed and allowed his tail to thump softly against the earth. Sorry. My head is so full of crap that I might have forgotten. He rested his chin on his sibling's shoulder with a cheerful smile now, eyes revealing absolute relief. Thank the stars he wasn't in any sort of bad mood. Ixionn had thought something had happened back in Abaven...ack. Would of been tough to deal with here.
"But I feel fine, better than I ever have been like this. What about you? How has your life been then?" Relief, relief. As Levi removed his arm, Ixionn pulled away, a wide grin stretched upon his face. Levi also seemed to be smiling...which was also relieving to the boy. But that blunt tone was still wedged in there---lingering. It was still irritating him. Ah! I'm so happy to hear you are doing well, though, Levi! Very happy! The boy leaned in and tapped his nose against his shoulder playfully, his tail still patting at the earth happily. He probably sounded like some annoying crow...and he didn't even realize it.
I wanted to tell you about some things going on in Isokan! The boy leaned to the side for a second and tried to refresh his mind through everything that happened. He almost instantly skipped to Drago...but first...Well, first, Dad---I mean, Quelt suddenly gave up his crown and passed it on to a pretty lady named Arian. She's very kind, believe it or not! Even though she seemed pretty scary at first. Ixionn laughed and sent his brother a nervous glance, before continuing.
That was after the storms though. But because of those, I got a twisted paw and some nasty scars on my back. ---Ah, but anyways, I have an iguana companion now...and Irune is back. At first, he thought he had finished. But then, another thought came back to him, and he quickly added, Quelt and Arian have also agreed that I'm going to become the heir of Isokan pretty soon---once they think I'm ready. With that, he grinned and slowed the thumping of his tail a bit. He tried to act happy about it...but really, inside, he wanted to curl up beneath a rock and die.