
Dance in Blood and Fire; Claim Challange


10-21-2014, 07:28 PM

ooc;; permission to pp sib granted by Saf

There was anger here. It rolled of the timber male beside the man talking to his wife in waves and Kylar felt an instant attraction. He would grin, electric gaze glittering in the haze as he studied all present. Cataleya would speak of taking Sibelle's other eye and instantly he would focus on Sibelle like a snake ready to strike, made www building beneath the surface and grin turned sadistic. Ears flattened to his skull as he reached forward to trail a lick across the top of the russet woman's muzzle, all the while locking gaze would the grey male Kylar had decided was Sibelle's husband. A king... A giggle would rumble up his throat as tongue snapped into his mouth and jaws clicked closed just above her face. A threat. She was defensive and he was ready to break her. All Cat had to do was ask, all the two men had to do was make a move.

It seemed his wish would be granted, words flowed around him and then suddenly Catelaya was looking at him, a darkness in her eyes that he would understand instantly. There was a hardening in his eyes as his grin faded and he looked back to Sibelle. Something danced beside acidic gaze. They were positioned behind Catelaya, Kylar original plan had been to leave Sibelle here as a temptation. Let them cross the boarder to get her, give him a reason to fight them both. But now it worked in his favor. He had positioned her a short distance away from a tree, his gaze would flicker to the tree. It would do. The beasts movements were fast, muscles giving no hints as he slammed his shoulder suddenly into Sibelle's left side, looking to check her body heavily into the tree as skull came around to attempt to head butt Sibelle's skull into the tree as well. He wanted her unconscious, out of it and to not be a wild card in this fight. He wanted her to feel pain...