
here in your arms



8 Years
Extra large
10-21-2014, 08:43 PM

The look of appreciation would not be lost on him as he lowered his form to the ground, he?d gotten used to being aware of his height. Too many times he?d given wolves a crick in their neck. As he spoke he would find his gaze focused on her features as she obviously noted that she didn?t believe his story. Though even if she had pressed the issue it was highly unlikely that he would have said anything. He hadn?t told anyone what went on in his head, he wasn?t about to start. The change of subject was almost flawless, he would at least sufceed in getting her attention shifted to the other brother. Her whole form would freeze up as he uttered the name of his litter mate. His brow would raise inquisitively at her answer, which had only brought up more questions.
She?d remove her eyes from his gaze before she?d call him a rather profane name. He couldn?t help but to chuckle at her actions. After all the boy had done to Shai, he had not thought of him as such. However with the suggestion he was very clearly able to make the connection. How much had his brother changed in the long months since her death? Shai was no longer the same wolf. She?d physically show her annoyance at the man as she flopped over, Shai would just smile warmly as she huffed. His own features would lower to his paws as he watched her, getting inadvertently caught up in the thoughts of his brother unintentional sins against him. He?d sigh softly, joining in her frustration. "Yeah.." he?d agree softly, not realizing he was losing himself within the memories again.

"Yoruban" "English"

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