



5 Years
10-21-2014, 10:19 PM
Uneasy Paws: Hurt - Johnny Cash
Drop It All: Hell Song - Sum 41

Uneasy paws carried the man across the ground. It was early in the morning, and the could was still clinging strongly to the world. It was a crisp morning. The already past the horizon and shining it's light down on the earth. And with each step, the knot in Newol's belly grew tighter. Word had finally reached his ears that his family had returned. Far too long and far too late. Every second he'd lost one he knew he'd never get back. But that's not what filled him with dread. What he hated was the fact that he was going to see his mother. His adopted mother. The one that had taken the lost little stray in and made something out of him. Set him on a path that would lead to him turning into something. And that woman could make him do anything.

He bore the name Adravendi now. And he bore it proudly. In his heart, he was still a Zaraidd. Defiance still ran hot through his blood. But he was a grown man now. He wondered if she'd even recognize him. He stood strong now, propped up on legs layered with muscle that hadn't been there before. On him sat a layer of built up fat from eating daily in the prey rich East, his thick winter pelt starting to fill out on him. All together it made him look very healthy. And Very handsome. Especially with the care he'd taken to groom himself well for this occasion. But despite all the change, those three scars still sat there atop his snout. The Lady in Red, that gorgeous Queen Temptress he'd been mesmerized but upon his first entering of Alacritis, She'd put a vision in his head. And it was working towards that dream that had made him a sturdy bastard. Newol was determined to one day build a pack. He longed for it dearly. Craved it, woke up and drew breath for it. Especially now that he and Serra where together. Oh how he wanted to give that woman the world. He wanted to set her atop a throne and be the first to bow to her as his Queen. And then after that take the mantle of King. All these things that he wanted and was patiently working toward. They had become his purpose in the absence of his family. But now, time had brought him back to his mother. That originally being the only thing he really wanted, once upon a time.

But... Now... Now, Newol was a man. And he carried with him his dreams, propped atop his broad and strong shoulders. And that was what filled his belly with dread. Oh, he did his best to hide it, his face calm and neutral in the soft and warm morning light. But that didn't hide that it was still there. And knowing his mother, she'd probably see right through him and find it in there. There where other things hidden there too. Other painful feelings that he'd sworn he was over and that he was trying very much so to keep locked away. Things he didn't want to be present upon this reunion. Painful memories of him bellowing into the walls of the cavern that had become his den one simple, painful, and ruthlessly unforgiving word. Why? Why did she have to leave? Why didn't she warn him. He would have gone with her... But in all honesty, that wouldn't have done any real good because he wouldn't be the wolf he was now.

And then there was the anger too. It was so embarrassing to be angry and someone you loved. He was ashamed of himself for it, but he couldn't deny it happened. Newol had lost a mother not once, but twice. Twice, his world had been rattled to it's core. It was a difficult thing. It made it hard to trust anything, or put faith anywhere other than what he could do with his own paws. Oh, how hot his blood had run those first weeks. He'd wanted blood. He'd wanted to wage a bloody war across the face of Alacritis. Very few understood just how low of a point it was to wake up one morning and realize that you just wanted to destroy something beautiful. You just wanted to see something burning. And this was perhaps the cruelest notion of them all. But it had already been proven. When the monsters thrashed enough, the only thing they succeeded in doing was making a monster that wanted to eat them. But this was not Newol. Not anymore. He was a stronger man then that. It was still there though. The scar still present on his soul. He'd been burned by Viridian's flames. There was still the makings of a tyrant buried deep within him. The difference was that he'd die before he let it see the light of day.

But none of this was the key source of his dread. No. The Dread buried deep with Newol's gut was from something much, much more meaningful. All his hopes. All his wants and dreams. The desire to built his pack, the desire to make his Serra a Queen. Everything he was preparing himself for both mentally and physically, every single thing he was.

He would drop them all. And the only thing Erani would have to do was ask.

Right now losing them was worse then going through all of this a third time. Right now, all he wanted was his mother. It was a childish want, yes. But Newol had a right to that childish want. Because he'd grown up in the wilderness. All alone and on his own. Right now the only thing he wanted was his family. And this time, he would cling dearly to their side and not allow himself to be shaken loose again. And if he had to give up everything he'd become, so be it. It was a choice he'd have to make. And make it he would. Newol was an Adravendi now. His children would be Adravendi. It was a foreign name to these foreign people, Zaraidd. But one look and the very high pedigree that Newol was, and it was painfully obvious that it wasn't just a hollow and empty name. For six generations now, Zaraidd has been the name of fire, and fury. The name that descended down like a crash of thunder and rumbled across the plan to devour you. It was Honor. It was Violence. It was Defiance. It was a rising and loud wave of noise that wanted to consume everything in it's path.

And he released his ties to that bloodline. Yes, he was proud to have been born a Zaraidd. But now. Now he just wanted to be an Adravendi and be with his family. To be, finally, in both body and soul, Home. Because where or not she'd nurtured him within her own womb or not was completely irrelevant to him at this point. The woman had claimed him, and he'd accepted. And that was that. That was the end of that chapter. Newol wasn't a stray anymore. And he would never be again. That was Final. And that was his mother's gift to him.

So finally, he made his way deep enough by his figuring. So, dread or not, he lowered himself into a seated position on the dirt under paw. Then, he tilted his head back and rose his maw up to the sky. As he did this his eyes closed. And, at last, his voice rang out into the crisp morning sky, as he sang. He sang to his family. He sang to his mother. He sang to his friend. And informed them of his return. For he was Newol Adravendi. And there was nothing that was going to change that.