
Revenge [Morgan]


05-19-2013, 11:47 AM

The moment Morgan felt Evelette's teeth begin to dig into her lower jaw she knew she had made a small miscalculation. Eve could easily break her lower jaw. Before the woman could get a good enough grip to do so, Morgan jerked her head back. Pulling free hurt but she had to ignore the pain. The rips on Morgan's lower jaw began to drip blood...not much but just enough to remind morgan she was injured.

Forcing her upper half off the ground she aimed to come down on Eve before she could do anything. Reared up on her hind legs, teeth and claws both aimed at Evelette's face. Paws and claws in place to keep the angered woman away from her stomach and throat. Morgan was not going to willingly lose this fight.

The thought of Lovatt tried to force its way to the front of her thoughts, but Morgan forced them back. Now was not the time to get distracted. Everything that she had ever done to hurt Evelette was either to become her future and fallow her till death or be placed behind her in these last few moments.

Round: 5/5

Damage To Morgan: 4 puncture wounds in her shoulder that tore only slightly when Morgan pulled away. Her right ear is torn and she has a few scrapes from Eve's teeth next to her ear(top and side of her head). Has puncture wounds both inside and outside of her lower jaw. Now the puncture wounds in her lower jaw have been torn into smallish gashes both inside and outside of her mouth.

Attack By Morgan: Reared up on her hind legs, teeth and claws both aimed at Evelette's face, Morgan is hoping to dig her teeth and claws into Eve's face and then free up her claws/paws for defensive action.

Defense By Morgan: Morgans paws/claws are in place to keep the angered woman away from her stomach and throat.
