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5 Years
10-22-2014, 03:09 PM

As the woman would swiftly enter the scene, it soon became clear of the strangers annoyance towards her. A smirk would pull upon her lips, amused already. Though, Desire? didn't intend to stay, not when things seemed to be going down the path of 'hot and heavy' and, the purple nymph was sure her wife would slaughter any other woman, or even man- who wished to bed her. Mismatched gaze would lock upon the woman who seemed to circle her with close proximities, and Desiree would not flinch, her tail remaining high and dominant, her crown held confidently " One can't be lost with no track of thought as to where id be travelling." A shrug would follow. The man would speak suddenly, the name Finnvi ringing a bell- though not quite registering clearly. Wasn't it Ebony that Katja Finnvi ruled? Or had things changed. The woman though, gave no name to go by, so she would simply be referred to as, it. " I do have time to waste...." Her voice would hold its nice rasp, letting a moment slip by before continuing. " But i have no desire to become a whore to a woman... so common." A challenge would be held within her voice, almost daring Venus to react. Her crown would quickly snap back to the man, a brow raising in interest. " What do you think Finnvi, do you plan to bed a woman so easy?" As soon as the words slipped her lips she could only presume his answer. Men where men of course, very few would refuse the offer. She would wait for answers from the two, before leaving. She didn't expect to stay for much longer, wishing not to interrupt on what might be a pleasurable day.