
The Reign of Royals


10-22-2014, 04:38 PM
One way or another- Roman Armada will rise to power, it's like her drug- she can't stay away.

If Roman reestablishes Regium- as a more militant based pack... who would have potential wolves interested in meeting her to discuss this stuff icly?

Of course any and all Armada's are welcome- but I wanted to extend beyond the family. And loyal wolves who were under her reign before she left to be depressed.

So about Regium now:

The pack will be neutral- borderline lawful evil. While they won't actively seek conflict- the very nature of the pack is to be too prideful to walk away from it. Roman views Regium as her family- the wolves she is most directly loyal too. While Regium will be focused on fighting ability, Roman would not have healing or hunting to be neglected! That being said, if you have a wolf who doesn't really enjoy fighting- Roman will not force them too. She'd rather go into battle with willing warriors- then soldiers with reservations about fighting. Regium will generally keep to themselves- a newer change for Roman. She's leery about the other packs in Alacritis these days, with all the leadership changes so alliances will have to reach out to her.

while, they'll be located in the North and directly loyal to the packs led by her siblings (of course), they'll generally stay out of the world- unless they're provoked, whether it's verbal provocation or physical.

Those are generally the lines that Roman is crafting Regium around now- So if you may have wolves who would want to meet Roman- post below and I'll get threads going. She's very much looking to expand her... base of acquaintances.