
Fickle Women


10-22-2014, 06:56 PM

She would wander out of her home once more, but this time for a little alone time. She had returned from her voyage to the north to return the little fool that had been captured. Her dead pack members body still sat at her borders, rotting away, serving as carrion to the scavengers of the world. Her words was healing, though it was hardly anything to be of a hinderance to her, more of an annoyance. She would enter the orchard, drawn in the by its sweet smell. The land used to border where she first ruled, though she never thought to claim it as her own, the smell was to strong for her liking.

She would weave in and out of the trees, her coral gaze looking at nothing in particular. Her mind was blank, enjoying for once not having to think about anything. Audits twitched at the new sounds surrounding her. It wasn't until a foreign scent filled her nostrils, bringing her to a halt and lifting her crown. Her senses would go on high alert as she attempted to pinpoint the source.
