
here in your arms


10-22-2014, 10:04 PM

Shai would chuckle, not at all offended by the choice of words she used to describe his brother. Perhaps it was because he could agree. His dark skull would lower to his paws, his eyes on her, a sigh of frustration rolling off his tongue. She would cast a sidelong glance at him, a brow lifting. "O si je ko nigbagbogbo bẹ irritating." She would mumble. He had stalked off during their last meeting, babbling about responsibilities and his job. Damn him and his job. She had no idea how the Oracle could tolerate him all the time. Rotating her upper body, she would prop herself on elbows before lowering her head back to her paws. "Ki....." She would drawl out the word, peering over at him curiously.

She wasn't entirely sure where to take their conversation, but she enjoyed his company. "Ti o ti ri eyikeyi awọn ti ariwa wolves sibẹsibẹ?" There was so much chatter about the foreigners she was surprised more of them hadn't been seen. So far she had not, and she didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. The elders had expressed that no one was to go near the northerners, but eventually it would be unavoidable. She had prayed to the Goddess that the foreigners would come peaceful, but everyone seemed to think otherwise. Her toes would knead the ground, perhaps out of uncertainty. It had been so long since she spent any time with Shai that she wasn't entirely sure where she stood with him. His brother, on the other hand, had been perfectly clear.
