
there's nothing holding you back


11-05-2014, 04:20 PM

He would close the distance between them without a word. But he didn't touch her. He would slip down beside, close enough that his warmth washed over her, but not close enough that he was pressed against her. His breath washed over her face, his muzzle barely touching her cheek as she spoke. A smile continued to toy with her sooty lips, her gaze searching his face. "It'll do." Her voice was low, teasing him lightly. Her hips would flip to the side, limbs stretching comfortably. "What are you thinking?" She would turn the question on him, a brow lifting with speculation. Her tail swept across the ground to thump against him once before quieting down and lying still. Her heart nervously against her chest. So much was unknown now, and it drove her crazy. But she still longed to get to know as well as she used to when they were younger. She wouldn't break his gaze, continually searching his face. Butterflies filled her belly despite her relaxed position. Again she felt as ease, no longer plagued by the past. It had all changed in the blink of an eye.

"yoruban" "english"