
A Hundred Treads


05-19-2013, 02:35 PM
Dark gray paws gently drummed against the ground as the brute made his way out into the battlefield. Thane didn't like being out here at this time since he didn't know the day of his pups arrival. But along with family came the pack! Aqua blue eyes looked here and there for he had scented a wolf or two here not long ago.

Then did his gaze land on two wolves not too far off. A small smile appeared on his maw for he quit enjoyed meeting new wolves. A shadow was cast over the brute by a golden eagle flying above him. Thane looked up and gave a smile at the eagle, his companion. Cyril was always looking for a way to slightly annoy him wasn't he.

With a small shrug the male came upon the two other wolves. If his nose did not deceive him one was a rogue while the other was from Tortuga. The rogue's only words that had reached his white lined ears were looking for a home.

Thane couldn't resist but to pipe up as well.

"If it is a home of which you seek then I carry information of one."

The golden eagle then swooped down and perched himself on it's master's shoulder.

"Do pardon my manners of intrusion, my name is Thane Tsarev and I come from the pack of Valhalla."

Then the golden eagle spoke his own as well

"My name is Cyril and it is a pleasure to meet you both." he said with a small bow.

Then did Thane turn towards the Tortugan dame and give her a small nod of respect. Out here Thane didn't have anything for politics or packs. Everyone deserved respect no matter who they were or where they came from.

White lined ears perked up as the male looked from the dame to the other brute by the boulders. He would patiently sit on his haunches at a respectful distance and wait for a reply from either of the two wolves.