
here in your arms


10-23-2014, 01:36 PM

He would stay silent for a long time. With her gaze averted, she missed the pulling back of his ears and the furrowing of his brows. Instead all she noticed was the pull his body as he pressed tightly against her, his decorated tail circling her hips. She wasn't entirely sure what to make of sparks of electricity that shot through her. When he did speak, his voice was a deep whisper, rumbling against her, even as a sigh rolled off his tongue. A small smile would curve the corners of her lips upward, though she said nothing. They had come to a point where she no longer knew what to say, where to steer the conversation. So instead she settled for silence, allowing herself to get lost in her thoughts. Thoughts that drifted toward their unknown future, but where interrupted by thoughts of him. Hips would flip to the side, causing her lean against him heavily. Legs stretched as she found herself perfectly at ease, oblivious to the turmoil of his own thoughts. They were total opposites. She was an open book, willing to share just about anything with those closest to her. While he had been more reserved, kept his feelings carefully locked away in a box that no one seemed to even know existed. His shifted position who put the clothe that surrounded his ankle right in her line of sight. She would stare with idle interest. She was one of the few that didn't have some sort of clothe, beads, or feathers attached to her. But she didn't mind, it simply set her apart from the rest, gave others a reason to notice her, since her mundane coloring was of no help.
