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2 Years
10-23-2014, 01:52 PM
Angels with Broken Wings

Let the wind carry you

far, deep, and wide

The shore was quite a beautiful place in the night hours and that was why the Oracle had found herself there. Her fur of pure white silk did not blend in well with the shadows but that was no concern for her. Surely Shai was lurking nearby or perhaps Skah had returned from his mission and was on his way to deliver news of the northern wolves and their whereabouts on the continent. Her icy blue eyes hid her feelings as a rush of energy flew through her. It was another vision. The shore was quite beautiful and the water pure. Off in the distance she could hear a fierce howling and she was frightened by what she saw. There was a wave of blood rushing towards her through the water, tainting it's innocence with the filth. She coughed as her eyes widened. She shook her head. It could not happen. She would not stand by and let blood and battle happen.

As much as she didn't want it to happen, she knew the meaning of her visions. Her ancestors were trying to call the tribe to war. The energy that flooded her and the visions were so very different from the ones that were from the Goddess herself. She would not let a pint of blood be shed until the Goddess herself deliver the message for only she could make the final decision. The worry on her face was now evident as she continued along the shore. Off in the distance she thought she saw something (Istaqa) but she decided to shrug it off as nothing. It was hard to see anyways. She laid down on the sand and let the water touch her paws with the pull of the moon and ocean.

Someday on the other sideOjiṣẹ Oluwa