
Haku's Here


05-19-2013, 02:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2013, 02:46 PM by Thane.)
He ran and ran and ran with the eagle flying above him which caste a shadow on the barren dirt of the battlefield. Thane's tongue lolled out of his mouth on the side as aqua blue eyes looked up at his companion.

"Come on you best give up Cyril! Have I ever lost?"

"Oh ho ho Master Thane! That is because I let you win! What do you think Master Caligar would have done to me if you came back a crying pup saying that you lost a race? why he would have me for breakfast!"[/B]

With a chuckle the brute replied.

"We both know my father would never do such a thing, I on the other hand would eat you."

With a huff Cyril let out his words again

"Says the brute that rescued me when I was a fledgeling, all that hard work for nothing eh Master Thane?"

With a laugh Thane ran faster and faster. He imagined he was chasing a deer and was about to pounce! Stress rolled off of him in waves as he let everything go for the moment.

Aqua blue eyes then widened as he came to a skidding halt. Before him was a white wolf just sitting out here in the battlefield.

Cyril then flew down and perched on his master's shoulder

"Hello, my name is Thane. What brings you out here? If I may ask."

"And my name is Cyril"the golden eagle said with a small bow before settling his golden gaze upon the white brute before them.