
Broken Pasts and Broken Hearts

Thaddeus Rogue

05-19-2013, 06:00 PM
Her confession was Thaddeus Rogue's everything, She was his world, and it over joyed him whenever he heard the words. It felt like, no matter how many times he heard the words, it was like he was hearing it for the first time. His world would swirl in happiness and then he would come fluttering down. Just the sight of her lovely eyes ad he was pudding at her paws. But that was before the smile that graced her muzzle, it was a shy tender thing, like it was new for her, and as far as he knew it was new, he had seen her smile, but it was always bland, almost lifeless, except when she smiled at him, over that time last year her smile has warmed, but only for him. She only ever graced him with any warmth and those are over shadowed by the glint that now filled her eyes as she looked at him. "No, ma lumi?re, it is not your fault. You where raised to not feel, to only know your place, nothing more." He licked her forehead, his eyes shinning tenderly at the only wolven that could tame his vagabonded heart. She would be the only wolven alive that could make his settle in one place for longer then a few months... And Rogue loved her all the more for it.

Thaddeus smiled as she nuzzled his cheek, a bright mischievous smile spreading his muzzle when he thought about his brothers reaction to his news, and then it faded as he remembered that his family pack was grieving for the lose of a very important member. That sobered his happy high, who was he to bask in happiness while his brother and sister was murderous, and yes he knew his family wanted blood, every time he passed Gargie the glint of evil and pain filled his eyes, and Rogue knew his past was ridding him heard... "Yes, Ayala, lets go find my brother and sisters." Well that is if he could find his ever elusive sister Arcane, he had heard talk of her, but have yet to see her. He was begging to think she was avoiding him or something, well not really, but you would think after the return of your long lost loveable brother she would come bounding up to him with a stupid smile on her face, like he remembered her to always have. With that last thought Rogue turned, his body brushing hers as he moved, she was the light of his life and the only one to see the ghost that he was, grounding him.


I thought I would end this =) so that we can make a new one for Rogue and his family.