
This ball and chain



7 Years
10-23-2014, 06:13 PM

Since this battle began, the male seemed much more aggressive, driven insane by the thrill of adrenaline through his veins. Perfect.

As her nose lurched toward the ground, it's earthy scent enveloping her senses until the brute released him from lack of grip on the loose skin around it. Blood trickled from the wound left from the tearing motions of the male and the beginning punctures instilled by the brute's first bite. The male's stature straightened like a board, her jaws locking onto the upper left chest of the male, his legs locked in position. Her right foreleg retreated to it's original position as she heard and felt the satisfying crunch of the beast's toes. Her hindquarters shifted, legs spreading wide to balance herself once more before the male would begin to recoil against her attacks.

She took the quick time to refurbish what defenses she could have possibly lost in her movements. Her amethysts narrowed, brows and muzzle contorting into a snarl, making the skin in both areas taunt and making for a more difficult place to hit. Veldt ears pinned against the base of her crown, skin folding with them and masking the vulnerable areas beneath her neck fur. Her crown lowered to align with her spine, her scruff bunching up in the process as well as her chin tucking to shield her vulnerable underside. Her hackles rose skyward, bunching up skin and making herself look a little bit more intimidating, even though it would not help in this war. Her abdomen tucked, dragging skin with it, while her shoulders rolled forward, knees bending to absorb shock from any assaults. Her toes splayed wide, claws driving into the dusty soil for grip. Her hind legs spread wide behind her, power localized into their chassis to spring away should she find need to. Her tail rose, slashing the air quickly as a rudder and for balance of her weight.

The brute would begin, localizing power at his haunches and snapping his left chest forward and out of her grip, but the blood that blossomed from the wound and the snarls of annoyance were plenty enough to encourage the woman. She released her grip instantly, teeth covered with blood, refusing to lick off the sweet tang of it. His shoulder shoved forward in the direction of her snout, seeking to collide with the bone. Her crown quickly snapped away, pain roaring in her skull as her neck moved so quickly, muscles torn and sore from pain. The shoulder collided with the right side of her face, and her jaws clicked together painfully. It would definitely bruise later, a heavy one at that from the weight of the man, about three inches beneath her eyes. The man's hot chest pressed into her neck, and she spread her haunches wide, power localizing at her stifles, toes spreading into the dirt, collecting grit beneath them in mild abrasion, before springing about five inches from the male's hot chest, his legs pumping to follow and reclaim the distance that she had tried to put between the two. His jaws unhinged, hunting for the side of her face. 'Not on my watch, beast' Her nostrils flared, as she spread her haunches wide behind her, weight redistributing onto her feet, weight on all four of her paws to keep her still. His left foreleg rose in a flash, hunting for the right foreleg of hers to disbalance her and try to bring her closer to his deadly grip. Heat rolled from him in waves, penetrating her skin. The flash of fangs glinted in her eyes, the harlot's had snapping downward painfully, and to the left, keeping the male's target of choice away from him. Her haunches spread wide, but succumbed to shaking as pain shot through her bones like a bullet. She bit her tongue to keep herself from screaming. His jaws had locked onto her axis, sinking in deep, but not as deep as his first assault, reaching about an inch deep. Blood blossomed from the wound, air burning it as it escaped the chasms of the steaming brute.

Her weight would distribute between her legs, a bit unevenly as more was put onto her left foreleg than the others. The man's hot chest pressed against her side, searing her right side like fire. Adrenaline dulled the pain on her axis, but the beast wasn't letting go, it seemed. Her toes splayed wide, grit collecting beneath her pawpads once more, cutting into the taunt skin, as her right shoulder jutted forward, sharp structure outlined clearly by her fur. The shoulder would move in the direction of the beast's left humerus, or really anywhere she could reach with the size difference between them. A bruised limb with two possibly broken toes could be a pain in the ass. That was what the harlot wanted. Her left haunch would press onto the dusty ground, grit grinding the skin down while her whole right side tipped in the direction of the brute, her side expecting to meet searing flank. If her side would meet his and collide, she could expect some bruising to the shoulder of hers, as well as a tear from the brute's fangs. She wouldn't wait to feel it, instantly stomping her feet down, intent on landing only on the ground, and not more toes, sending her power to her neck as she would try to whip it to the right, bones grinding against pain, jaws unhinging. Her lips peeled back in an ugly snarl, blood staining sharp ivories, a snarl ripping through her throat like fire. Her skull would lurch in the direction of the beast's jugular, if her position could even allow it. Pain burned throughout her body, bones ached, muscles screamed to stop and give up. Not in a million years until this beast surrendered.


Quote:DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, brow and muzzle contorted, ears pinned, skull aligned with spine, hackles raised, chin tucked, abdomen tucked, shoulders rolled forward, knees bent, toes splayed, claws driven in the ground, tail raised, readjusting weight after movements
ATTACKS: shoving her right shoulder in the direction of Valentine's left humerus, throwing her weight in the direction of Valentine's whole left side, attempting to bite his jugular.
INJURIES: a bite wound on her right lower neck 1 1/2" deep, tear about two inches long on the lower right side, upper part of her neck, heavy bruising on the right side of her face, below her eyes, mild abrasion on back pawpads, bite wound on her axis 1" deep, pending bruising to right shoulder, pending tear

OOC: 969 words, holy cows.