
here in your arms


10-23-2014, 09:27 PM

She could practically feel his gaze on her, but she didn't turn to meet his. She was enjoying the bubble that surrounded them. She enjoyed his warmth, and his touch. When he spoke, he had seen her staring at his cloths. He had found the cloth with his brother, which came as no surprise, Skah had similar cloths that wrapped his frame. He didn't object to her closeness, he didn't seem to object to anything. "That doesn't surprise me." She would laugh softly, a whimsical sound. The two brothers had once been inseparable. Her neck would stretch, grasping the fabric gently and giving it a soft tug. With the sudden lightning of mood, her crown would lift, her bodice propped up easily on slender elbows. "So, what shall we do with today?" She would offer him a dashing smile, her expression bright as she shrugged off the worry that plagued them both. Their lives would be wasted if they spent everyday worry over what may or may not happen. She wanted to live everyday to its fullest, full of happiness, fun and adventure. Her neck would crane, skull tipped back slightly so that her lavender gaze would clash with his. Her tail would thump slowly against the ground, bumping lightly against him. She hoped he would agree to join her, adventures were never fun when done alone.
