
here in your arms


10-23-2014, 10:27 PM

He seemed a little baffle when she claimed the rest of his day for herself, but she would smile, coaxing him out of his shell. He had planned to spend the day with their goddess, but he was willing to go with whatever she wanted. She would rise, disappointed that her own plans and movement broke the contact between them. The cool air would rush the places he had warmed with his presence, shiver barely there shiver across her flesh. "The Goddess is always with us." She smirk, knowing that he had no argument against her logic. Her foreleg would lift to press against his shoulder, hard enough to knock him over if he allowed it. With that, she would dance away from him, light on her toes as she looked back over her shoulder at him, beckoning him to follow. Grapevines tangled the trees around them, the sun barely getting through. It might as well have been night with how little light there was. An idea would pop into her head. It was a game she hadn't played in so long, and was probably way to old to be playing, but she already liked the idea. She would shoot Shai a coy smile before darting away from him, springing lightly through the forest. She wouldn't stop until she had a decent head start on him, her gaze darted back and forth in search of the perfect hiding spot. When she found it, she would crawl within the hallowed out tree truck, one side concealed by dense brush and the other only covered by small branches and leaves, wiggling carefully into place. She had not given him an option, he had no choice but to seek her out now. Audits tipped forward, listening for his approach as she remained completely silent. Her heart thundered excitedly against her chest, butterflies filling up her belly. Lavender orbs would peer through the thick brush that concealed one side of the hallowed out tree, searching for Shai. A smile played continuously on her face, eyes dancing with mischief. She grew anxious waiting.
