
Come With Me Now


10-23-2014, 10:56 PM

He had made her promise to keep her eyes close. At first she had been skeptical, but in the end, she had promised to keep her eyes closed as he led her to wherever it was that they were going. He walked beside her, though she often stayed pressed against so she didn't trail off. He had navigated them without issue, guiding her around obstacles until finally he stopped. A smile lifted her lips as she waited for him to tell her when she could open her eyes. When he finally gave the command, her eyes would snap open, immediately her gaze would land on the water. She peered over at him, finding him looking rather dejected. She had to wait for the surprise, not that she would object to spending a little more time with him. She had enjoyed their day together thus far. "Something wrong?" her crown would tip to the side, her eyes searching his face curiously.

It didn't matter that she had to wait, she had always enjoyed the beach. It was often the place that she found peace and could quietly sort out her thoughts, and speak with her goddess. Little did he know how much she truly appreciated the surprise. Her own ashen haunches would fold beneath her as she took a seat beside him. She had not moved from her place beside him, even when they stopped, so she still felt his warmth against her side. She continued to peer up at him, her question lingering on her face, along with her appreciative smile.
