
here in your arms



8 Years
Extra large
10-23-2014, 11:02 PM

She didn?t really have to try so hard with him, after he lived so much of his life focused on becoming the oracles guardian and repressing any thoughts he might have had about she wolves there was little she couldn?t do to convince him with her. He?d try to hide the disappointed look that would appear on his features as she stood and fully broke their peaceful embrace. He?d watch slightly shocked at the sudden missingness he felt at his side as she retorted easily. Still quite taken aback by her, he wouldn?t even brace himself as her paws pushed at his side. He?d tumble over easily, surprise evident in his gaze as he struggled to lift himself to his feet. Gwena would encourage him along, quite convincingly, and eagerly he?d follow. Unfortunately she would spurt forward, dashing away and almost instantly leaving his line of sight.
Brows would furrow as he tried to comprehend what it was exactly she was doing, and why it was she was doing it to him. Obviously he wanted to be in her presence, but why had she just? wait. He?d shake the thought from his head, she couldn?t be playing hide and seek with him? Sure enough, her scent trail was gone. She hadn?t run very far, just hid right under his nose. He?d huff and turn around, large paws treading easily on the packed dirt. Darkness would conceal her, but he?d make quick work of her scent.
Finding her sunken log he?d peer into the underbrush, spotting her bright lavender eyes. He?d grin darkly as suddenly he would pounce, "Gotcha!" long front legs would aim to wrap around her thin torso so he could teckle her to the ground without injury.

"Yoruban" "English"

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