
here in your arms


10-23-2014, 11:13 PM

It didn't take him long to find her. His paws would strike the earth with muted thuds, dancing around her until finally, he found her. Her gaze clashed with his, a grin pulling at her lips. She would stifle her laughter until he pounced. She would squeal in surprise, rolling over beneath him, laughter bursting from her sooty jaws. Forelimbs batted aimlessly at his chest, his embrace preventing any real harm from being done to her. Twigs and leaves would catch in her pelt as she rolled, suddenly more than a little shy to find herself caged beneath him. She would peer up at him through lashes, her smile toning down from 100 watts to something more reserved and shy. His legs caged her in, leaving no way for her to roll over and escape his overwhelming proximity and heat. Her hiding spot barely held the two of them, and blanketed in almost completed darkness, even if he allowed her up, it would remain a tight squeeze for the pair. She fell silent, waiting for him to make the next move, she was entirely helpless beneath him, paws pressed lightly against his chest, belly up and if she could, she would be blushing. Embarrassed heat spread across her entire body, hidden beneath her thick pelt. Her heart thudded against her chest, butterflies continuing their assault on her belly as silence surrounded them.
